Shows content in OBS
Shows content in Open Broadcasting Studio
<polygon points="0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0" fill="blue" />
</svg>' | Set-Content .\BlueRect.svg
Show-OBS -FilePath .\BlueRect.svg
Show-OBS -FilePath *excited* -RootPath $home\Pictures\Gif
The path or URI to show in OBS.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput | Aliases |
[String] |
true | 1 | true (ByPropertyName) | FullName Src Uri FileName |
The name of the source in OBS. If this is not provided, it will be derived from the -FilePath.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[String] |
false | 2 | true (ByPropertyName) |
A root path. If not provided, this will be the root of the -FilePath (if it is a filepath). If the file path was a URI, the root path will be ignored.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[String] |
false | 3 | true (ByPropertyName) |
The name of the scene. If no scene name is provided, the current program scene will be used.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[String] |
false | 4 | true (ByPropertyName) |
The opacity to use for the input. If not provided, will default to 2/3rds. Will only be used when showing a browser source with a -FilePath
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Double] |
false | 5 | true (ByPropertyName) |
Any parameters to pass to the source command.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[IDictionary] |
false | 6 | true (ByPropertyName) |
If set, will check if the source exists in the scene before creating it and removing any existing sources found. If not set, you will get an error if a source with the same name exists.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Switch] |
false | named | true (ByPropertyName) |
If set, will make the input become the size of the screen.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Switch] |
false | named | true (ByPropertyName) |
Show-OBS [-FilePath] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-RootPath] <String>] [[-Scene] <String>] [[-Opacity] <Double>] [[-SourceParameter] <IDictionary>] [-Force] [-FitToScreen] [<CommonParameters>]